понедельник, 10 декабря 2012 г.

I didn't know these words!

thence - оттуда ( therefrom)
"I returned to the window and fetched it thence."

hurl - швырять ( throw, fling )
poise - балансировать ( balance )
" I saw him lift and poise the book and stand in act to hurl it."

frantic - неистовый, безумный ( violent, frenetic, furious )
" I received him in frantic sort."

solemn - торжественный ( gala, festive )
" This room was solemn, because it was known to be so seldom entered."

tumult - смятение ( confusion, disarray )
insurrection - восстание, мятеж ( revolt, uprising)
" How all my brain was in tumult and all my heart in insurrection!"

tarry - медлить ( delay, linger )
"It tarried, however: days and weeks passed."

stout - толстый ( thick, fat )
" Mrs. Reed was rather a stout woman."

foe - враг ( enemy, opponent)
" Your Missis has not been my friende:she has been my foe."

inanition - истощение, изнурение ( depletion, attrition )
" I was now nearly sick from inanition."

devour - пожирать, поглощать ( consume, absorb )
relish - удовольствие, наслаждение ( pleasure, enjoyment, delight )
" I devoured my bread and drank my coffee with relish."

hebdomadal - еженедельный ( weekly )
Sabbath - суббота ( Saturday )
" It was the hebdomadal treat to which we all looked forward from Sabbath to Sabbath."

derive - получать ( receive, get )
contemplation - созерцание ( reflection, consideration )
" I derived a child's pleasure from the contemplation of her face."

dreary - тоскливый ( wistful, sad, dismal )
"...it would be dreary to be colled from it."

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